"No I didn't order, I didn't know about the apparel sale..." Ooooh do we hate to hear that! The truth is that only roughly HALF of your parents know there is a sale going on. Not everyone is on Facebook and that flyer you sent home may be crumpled in some child's backpack somewhere.
So what's the solution?
That's right, we will provide you with a FREE Marketing KIT for every online sale so you can maximize every opportunity to make sure the word gets out. So what do you get??
1. Printable .pdf Flyer (1) - Simply print out the flyer, distribute to students and hang around the school as a reminder to staff.
2. Email Flyer/ Newsletter (1)- This colorful flyer has all the information you need. Send out in an email blast to parents
3. Social Media Banner (1)- The perfect sized image to use as a Facebook Banner Ad.
4. Mock up Images (2) - 2 BONUS mock up images are included to use however you like. Add them with your "reminders" as your sale comes close to an end.
Your success is important to us. These tools are just another way we make it EASY for you get maximum results out of every sale!
Call 570-561-2632 or email cheryl@schoolspiritsale.com for more information.