The EASIEST Spiritwear Fundraiser you will ever run is waiting...
Here's what we know... Administrators and PTO members want QUALITY APPAREL and GOOD PROFIT with the LEAST HASSLE possible
Say goodbye to spending HOURS sorting through piles of order forms
Save yourself from the stockpile nightmare of hundreds of T's, Hoodies, and Sweats spread throughout your office waiting to be bagged and distributed
It's here... a program that offers an all-in-one solution to make your next Spirit Wear fundraiser Profitable AND Easy
Here's how a School Spirit Sale works...
YOU will... Um well, do nothing... Wait. Well, OK, you have to hand out the sorted and bagged orders when they are delivered to you.
That's it!
Still not convinced?? Seriously??
Hold on. Did I mention, there's NO inventory needed, NO Cost, and NO Risk for you?
As a matter of fact, we are offering a 100% Satisfaction (and stress-free) Guarantee coupled with a PRICE MATCH Guarantee on any product.
We are here to help you say GOODBYE to frustration and say HELLO to a simple solution for School Spirit Sale SUCCESS!
25 years combined business experience in fundraising and promotional apparel sales coupled with being parents of school-aged kids have given us the understanding of what it takes to run a successful apparel sale.
Call TODAY to get started 570-561-2632. We look forward to the opportunity to answer any of your questions and help you take the first step.